
Triphala: Your Best Support to stay Healthy this Festive Season.

December 14,2017

Triphala is your best Ayurvedic support during the festive season

The festive season usually brings indulgence.

There are extra sweets and temptations around; we tend to overeat and eat at irregular times. All of these are causes for the build-up of toxins (Ama) in the body.

Ama is a Sanskrit word for undigested food toxins. It’s the toxic waste-product of inefficient digestion, which can accumulate and cause disease. During the holidays, we’re particularly susceptible to developing Ama as we tend to throw our usual routine and diet out the window.

If left unchecked, Ama accumulates throughout our body, clogging our systems, channels and ducts, and weakens our immune system, making us vulnerable to disease. According to Ayurveda, Ama is the breeding ground of all disease.

The key to preventing the formation of Ama build up is supporting Agni – our digestive fire/system. If we keep our Agni strong, we can digest food efficiently without forming the toxic by-product of Ama. This is where Tripahla comes in.

Triphala is a classic Ayurvedic herbal formulation. In India, it’s considered the greatest and most versatile of all herbal formulations. Literally meaning “three fruits”, Triphala consists of three fruits Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Each fruit is a powerful medicine in their own right.

Triphala is most commonly known for its use as a gentle bowel tonic. It’s helpful in creating strong digestion by improving peristalsis, and supporting regular bowel movements.

It is popular for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it. Therefore, it’s a much better choice than laxatives for supporting regular elimination.

In Ayurvedic terms, triphlala is said to have a beneficial effect on all three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This makes it a great whole-body tonic to keep you balanced and supported through the festive season of late nights, different routines and change of diet.

Triphala is most well-known for its gentle effects on the bowels, cleansing toxic build-up of wastes – this ama from the system.

Triphla’s beneftis:

  • Assists natural internal cleansing and detoxification
  • Gently maintains regularity in bowels
  • Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues
  • Supports healthy digestion, absorption and metabolism
  • Natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger (High in Vitamin C)
  • Rejuvenates healthy tissues
  • Helps maintain healthy levels of weight

The combination of the three fruits has a synergistic effect to bolster many other systems as well. Triphala supports healthy respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, and nervous systems. It’s a great whole system tonic.

Who Should Take Tripahla

Caraka Samhita says Triphala is beneficial for those with sluggish digestion and have the build-up of Ama. According to this text, Triphala is said to kindle the digestive fire (deepana) and help improve digestion (panchana), allowing us to get the most nutrition from our diet.

Those who are feeling sluggish from over-indulging or eating late, large meals will benefit from taking Triphala. This is whys it’s such a great support this festive season.

Those with high Ama or toxic build up should also take triphala to cleanse the system. If you experience fogginess of mind, lack of appetite, stiffness in the joints, sluggish digestion, allergies or intolerances and weight issues – Ama is most likely the culprit.

How to use Triphala

The traditional way of ingesting Triphala is as a tea. This method allows one to taste the herbal formula fully. Taste is considered by Ayurveda to be an important part of the healing process.

To take triphala as a tea, make a decoction by adding ½ teaspoon of Triphala churna/powder to a cup of hot water. Stir and allow the tea to cool, then drink.

You can also take 2-3 capsules per day.

Triphala is best taken at night before bed to harness the body’s natural detoxification process that occurs during sleep.

Enjoy the festive season, but also try to maintain normalcy in daily habit. Try Triphala as a support and your body and mind will thank you come the new year.

For more information or to book an health consultation or private yoga class, please contact

Sukhavati Ayurvedic Retreat & Spa Holistic Health Practitioner

Author: Tegan Wallis
Holistic Health Practitioner.

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